Colloquium 10/24: Dr. Brandy Doleshal on “Dehn Surgery and Knots in the Genus 2 Surface”

On Monday, October 24, at 3:30 pm in Math Building 357, Dr. Brandy Doleshal will be talking about “Dehn Surgery and Knots in the Genus 2 Surface.”

Abstract: Low-dimensional topology is the study of 3- and 4-manifolds. A link is an embedding of some number of circles into a 3-manifold M. Each circle is called a component, and a link of one component is called a knot. Dehn surgery is a way of replacing a neighborhood of a component of knot or link to create a (possibly) new manifold. A classical result of Wallace and Lickorish tells us that any closed compact 3-manifold can be obtained by Dehn surgery on a link. Hence we can study 3-manifolds through studying knots and links. We will discuss some knots on the genus 2 surface and the Dehn surgeries they admit. (flyer in PDF form)

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